Joseph A Wasson Jr.

Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico Topics: Nuevo Mexicano, Performance, Culture, Chicano, Art Quote: “I remember growing up on Montgomery Blvd., which was the city limits of Albuquerque. It seemed like growing up back in the 60s and the 70s was a lot simpler. We used to hang out on the streets. We lived by a ditch. We used…

Randy Jiron

Location: Pueblo of Isleta, New Mexico Topics: Native American, Farmer, Culture, Indigenous, Agriculture Quote: “Growing with the land you just don’t go into the land and just step on her, you respect the land, mother earth. We are happy to see the sun come up and we are thankful for him to come up, to warm, to…

Van Overton, Jr.

Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico Topics: Volunteering, Aid, Culture, African-American, Education Quote: “I’m big on one particular hashtag that I use – #ShowUp – you know that’s what it’s all about! Whether it’s for class or for a neighbor or for yourself, everything in life is just about showing up. Be that person you know that can be counted on…

Zamora Family / Albuquerque

Name: Crystál, David & Paz Zamora Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico Topics: Dance, Music, Culture, Aztec, New Mexican Quote: “Everybody calls them a costume. ‘Oh that’s such a pretty costume can I borrow it for Halloween?’ Instead of getting offended we just let them know, this isn’t exactly our costume, it’s our regalia to show that our…

Hakim Bellamy / Albuquerque

Name: Hakim Bellamy Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico Topics: Art, Poetry, Albuquerque, Collaboration, Youth Quote: “As poets, we make sure that we all grow our skills as a cohort.” Yo, my name is Hakim Bellamy, I am a human of New Mexico. I’ve been… it’ll be 12 years in January, and I’m a poet. I do lots of…

Carlos Contreras / Albuquerque

Name: Carlos Contreras Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico Topics: Art, Poetry, Albuquerque, Collaboration, Economic Development Quote: “Get out and experience your city! Plug yourself into an art scene. You don’t have to be an artist to benefit from it. It’s healing in all ways.” My name is Carlos Contreras. I was born and raised here in Albuquerque, New Mexico….

Mariachi Buenaventura / Santa Fe

Joanna Alvarez Reyes: My name is Joanna Alvarez Reyes. We are Mariachi Buenaventura, we’ve been playing in this group 10, almost 11 years now. In September or October I think it will be. Nishka Gonzales: and I’ve been playing violin for about 15 years and playing with them for about 9….10 years. [Laughing] that’s a…